Iger sem že prigral in obrnil veliko. Toda tale igra mi je od vseh še najbolj nora. Igra je preprosta, toda komična.
Manager claims employee is lying about getting stuck in the snow en route
to work, admits she left work to try and catch employee red-handed: ‘I sent
[her] proof’
Remote work has allowed many individuals in the workforce to save time that
would have been spent traveling to work, on other things. However, remote
Pred 8 urami
Hahaha js bi tut mela tako igrcoooo, pol bi se pa loh drla kokr bi se hotla xD
OdgovoriIzbrišiančka ne teb s nebi blo treba dret...ti bi lhka čist normalen guvurila :D verjem
OdgovoriIzbrišiej...js čist normaln govorim sam učasih mi mal platfon odpre...in to ponavad zard tega kr me ti jeziš, tko d si si čist sam kriu xD