Nekaj za božične čase :D And a merry christmas to you all
'He started calling me childish and said how it’s not even a big deal':
Woman and boyfriend break up because they're going to different countries
for college, they stay in touch until boyfriend reveals he's on a dating
app and she ghosts him
They say that we shouldn't try to devote our time to loving other people
when we haven't learned to love ourselves. If we don't know how to comfort
Pred 8 urami
I want to be an elf...:P xD...Anja the happy trotting elf :P:D
OdgovoriIzbrišisej po čudnosti s mi zdi d jih ž zdej prekosaš :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiTi si čudn š bol k js in si loh kr tih